Looking back on the day we turned 21
LLooookkiinngg bbaacckk oonn tthhee ddaayy wwee ttuurrnneedd 2211

Looking back on the day we turned 21

PAX:Butt Splice, Captain Sparkles, Grundy, Ocho, Steve, The Manny, Turtle

8 PAX converged on the Mandeville Trailhead to look back on what it was once like to be 21 again.. Aside from the all nighters, swollen mulligans and the “what did I do memory of the night before”  your YHC decided it was worth creating a memory of fatigue, sweat and memorable  beat down…


20 IC SS

20 IC BK



the thang

Moseyed over to the David Treen center around the corner to bring back the love of 21!! At least the intention was there but soon enough the memories would fade and the perspiration would begin as if we were all being cooled down by a fire hose at an out door festival or concert. (Capt. Sparkles we may need a hose from the station.) Your YHC introduced the one and only thing the PAX would  do this morning “Super 21.” It goes like this 1 Merkins 1 LBCs lap around, 2 Merkins 2 LBCs lap around. Sounds routine and most probably wondered is this it? Well then came the addition on number 7 to add MC, round 14 add PJ and finishing at 21 rounds.. Butt Splice, Grundy (OA) and Steve (welcome back brother) showed there animalistic abilities and went to town eventually lapping your YHC. The YHC pushed along with the rest of the PAX and enjoyed hearing the mumble chatter as the intensity rose. Ocho, Turtle, The Manny and Capt. Sparkles all working extremely hard showing fatigue but never quitting..  In fact Capt. Sparkles finished at the flag with determination to get the 21… Great job guys!!

End result 236 Merkins, 236 LBCs, 210 MC, 140 PJ and roughly 2.52 miles (thanks Grundy) of Mosey around the center..

countarama, annoucearama, COT