If My Math is Right – Today Must be Independence Day
If My Math is Right – Today Must be Independence Day

If My Math is Right – Today Must be Independence Day

PAX:Fracsac, Heisenberg, Jingle Vader, Stubhub, Hawgcycle

No one was signed up for the 4th of July running of the Stomp, so being the good F3 Nola member that I am, I waited until midnight, saw no one had taken it, and dutifully signed up.  I then rolled in hot.  I divided the 5 pax by two and gave each team a number of burpees to achieve during their 45 minute out and back run.  Both teams decided to start with 10 or so and then took off on their run.  When we finished we sealed the deal with 10 more burpees each.  That given the one extra that Stubhub did just for kicks brought the grand total to 231 the same number of years since our great nation declared it’s independence.  Wait, that’s not right?  It’s been 241 years?  Drat…ok everybody do two more burpees.  There we have completed 241 burpees, one for every year since our great nation declared it’s independence.


  • Stubhub and I ran as a team and shared some good second F along the way.  Come to find out I taught both of his daughters math at Sacred Heart.  I told him that just minutes before I incorrectly subtracted 1776 from 2017.  Luckily they have been successful in spite of my efforts.
  • T-claps to everyone that made it out today.  No better way to kick off the celebration than practicing our freedom to assemble.
  • Thanks to Great Britain and their unreasonable rules, we banked 241 burpees for Operation Enduring Warrior Today.

