“Better bend than break” – Proverb
Six men (which grew to seven later on) meandered over to the Uptowner AO. Since Hawg decided to kill us with H8, the Pax thought it would be a good idea to recover with some yoga before the Tough Mudder tomorrow. Little did they know that yoga is a beast in itself, but it would be a nice change-up to throwing around rocks. So the DISCLAIMER was given, and then…
The Thang
We did a lot of things that popped into my head. I gather a lot of my yoga movements from Tony or Shaun T… so this beatdown was a figure-it-out as we go. YHC stressed the importance of breathing throughout the moves….it is the most important thing!
Started out with some breathing movements, and hamstring/groin stretches. Hard to explain…you just have to post to FIO.
Plank Work:
High Planks
16x R. Leg Lifts
16x L. Leg Lifts
Sun Salutations: Progression shown below.
Suppose to look like the girl on the left, but we looked like Sheldon:
We did 3x Salutations (Da Parish showed up during #3), then we did it 6x Salutations and then added on a yoga pose like Warrior 1 (R/L), Warrior 2 (R/L), Reverse Warrior (R/L). Google if you want to see what it looks like.
Deep Muscle Work:
16x Low, Very Slow Squats (1,2,3,Low Squat,1,2,3,Standing)
On the 16th one, we held it down low…then did:
16x Low Squat Pulses IC
Repeated Deep Muscle Work with a Right Leg Lunge
16x Squats IC
Repeated Deep Muscle Work with a Left Leg Lunge
Plie Stretch: 45 sec on right, 45 sec on left….it’s a wide low squat with same hand on same foot (go ahead…try it!)
Balance Poses: Held these for about 30ish seconds.
Knee Curls (R/L) – arms holding up your leg, try to touch knee to chest.
Table Tops (R/L) – kinda like a standing superman while balancing on one foot.
Chair Pose – legs together and sit in a chair, arms up to sky
Hip Work: Hands under shoulders, knees under hips….then raise knees off the ground, and do these:
16x Spidermans (R/L)
16x Leg Lifts (R/L)
Went into Childs Pose to recover after each side.
Finished up with some flexibility work. Standard stuff like hamstrings, groins, runners stretches, etc.
Circled up for the COT, where we had the Countoff, Nameorama, and Prayer.
Real men do yoga. Helps you stay young!
Good luck tomorrow to the Tough Mudder Crew. Y’all will have a great time!
…..and yes, Kim Chi is still perfect in 2017!