610 Stomp ‘n Sprint
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610 Stomp ‘n Sprint

PAX:Amnesty, Babyface, FracSac, KimChi, Puddles, Rudy, Tool

On a brisk gloomy Pi-Day morning, 4 PAX and 1 PUP gathered around the flag.  After a brief moment of pondering, YHC settled on the Stomp ‘n’ Sprint.  30 Min stomp, meet back at the track for sprints.  Go.

Stomp: YHC enjoyed a good brisk run with KimChi, reviewing the upcoming Tough Mudder.  Much discussion on appropriate footwear…. Returning to the track, we stumble upon Babyface and Tool, both of whom had apparently missed our step off by a few minutes.  Better late than never!

Sprints: LBCs at the track while we wait for the 6.  OYO: Sprint the straight-away, slowsey around the curve.  Repeat.  And keep repeating till we run out of time.  I think all PAX got at least 4 laps (8 sprints).  LBCs wait for the 6.  Then back to the flag.

Countoff, Name-o-rama, Announcements.  Much chatting about logistics for Tough Mudder – in particular, where we will keep the ice chest of beer (I volunteered the back of Heisenburg’s car).

Close with a prayer for blessings to use the gift of today in service of God, our families, our co-workers.  Finish with St. Ignatius’ Prayer for Generosity.