Tunnel of Pain, Re-Revisited
Tunnel of Pain, Re-Revisited

Tunnel of Pain, Re-Revisited

PAX:EIEI, SeaBass, Choppah, Chewy

Those among us, who may indeed be few, familiar with a certain Metallica E.P. released in 1987 may appreciate the title aptly given to this workout.  For those who are not… “I GOT SOMETHIN’ TO SAY!!!….”

Prologue: Mosey to fake bus stop for: Fondas left side x 20, Wife Pleasers x 10, Fondas left side x 20, all IC

Rising Action: Mosey through Tunnel of Darkness to Tunnel of Pain.  Mumble chatter about how dark the Tunnel of Darkness was not, photons, cosmetic sales, etc…  Upon emerging from Tunnel of (not so) Darkness, 20 IW’s IC, then:


  1. Mosey down the hill, karaoke (or whatever the hell it is), sprint up the hill.  MC’s x 20 IC
  2. Repeat
  3. Mosey down the hill, lunge walk, sprint up the hill.  Peter Parkers x 20 IC
  4. Repeat but with Parker Peters
  5. Mosey down the hill, back pedal, sprint up the hill.  Crabcakes x 10 IC
  6. Repeat but with some annoying planking
  7. Mosey down the hill, high skips, sprint up the hill.  something IC
  8. Repeat
  9. Mosey down the hill, something, sprint up the hill.  something IC
  10. Repeat
  11. Mosey down the hill, karaoke (or whatever the hell it is), sprint up the hill.  shoulder taps
  12. Repeat. Lots of planking

Denouement: Mosey back to flag.  Chewy and Choppah mumbled about who knows what, likely more talk of cosmetics I guess, I really couldn’t tell you.  Me and SeaBass mumbled about oilfield trash and other burly stuff for which tomatoes go craycray.  Back to the flag for countorama and nameorama.  At this point we awkwardly began some sort of weird homage to Turbo’s cardio capacity and athletic F3 superiority.  This was abruptly halted once things got really awkward.   Choppah forgot how old he was, but we helped him out.