2nd Q in a little more than a week. It’s been steadily raining for the past few hours, so the group may be a close knit one in the gloom tomorrow. Here’s how it should go down at 0530 at The Birdcage. We’ll do a lap around the Fly + a little lagniappe back in Audubon Park if we have time:
Run to Hyams Fountain for…
Warm Up
- 20 x SSH
- 20 x Hillbillies
- 20 x Low Slow Squats
- 20 x Shoulder Taps
…then Indian Run to the shelter @ the Fly…
and do some BLIMPS
… then Indian Run to the Labyrinth for…
- 15 x Flutter Kicks
- 15 x Hello Dollies
- 15 x LBCs
- 15 x LBTs
- 15 x Russian Twists
- 15 x Dying Cockroaches
… POW Run to Peristyle…
- 10 x Hail Marys
- Count up to 10 (5?) Double Merkin Burpees
…then Slow Mosey back to base for COT.
Here are a few more prostrations (part 2 of 3):
I prostrate in repentance to…
- all those whom I have harmed through fits of anger.
- all those whom I have harmed through arrogance.
- all those whom I have harmed through my jealous thoughts.
- all those whom I have looked down upon.
- I prostrate for poisoning other beings through my mindless materialistic overconsumption.
- I prostrate in repentance for conceiving of this world only through the lens of my ego.
The Hail Mary’s changed the whole Ball to Man experience.
Note to self (and everyone else): no more Hail Mary’s.