Out for Justice
Out for Justice

Out for Justice

QIC:Out for Justice (VQ), Rudy
PAX:Amnesty, Bongo, Douille, Kim Chi, Jingle Vader, Out for Justice, Rudy, Triple Shift

Cool crisp and dark morning in NOLA.  PAX gathered in front of the shovel flags to await the Out for Justice VQ.  Nervous pacing.  What would Detective Gino Felino have in store for us?

After his disclaimer, we were off.

The Thang: Off to the great lawn for opening exercises.  SSH xWhoWasCounting? followed by Peter Parker, Imperial Walkers, Parker Peter, Hillbillies.  Then line up on the side of the lawn for an animal parade: Bear Crawl across the lawn, Duck Walk back.  JV lets loose with critique about everyone else’s form; apparently JV is now the resident expert on Duck Walking.

Scupture Garden: Justice leads us to our favorite ledge near the sculpture garden.  Box Jumps, Incline Merkins, Left Leg Step Ups, Incline Merkins, Right Leg Step Ups, Decline Merkins.  Feeling the burn…

The Museum: Over to the fountain in front of the museum and partner up.  PAX 1 dips to their hearts content.  PAX 2 Frog Jumps across the street and up the stairs.  FlapJack.  Repeat x3.  Head to the lawn for a round of Mary with Putins and Cockroaches.

Tag Team: Rudy takes over the Q.

Start with the ‘Murican Indian run.  Every 4th (or 6th) pax to make it to the front – group stops and does ‘murican in cadence.  12x, 12x, 10x, 10x.  Finish with Mosey to the baby foundry.

Baby Foundry: Pair up on 4 stations: Burpees, BoxJumps, Pull Ups, Hanging Knee Raises.  3 cycles through, with burpees being the timer.  Mosey back to the Great Lawn to finish up.

BUT WAIT: Q sees Tool’s calf raise wall – quick audible.  Everyone up on the wall.  Calf Raise x25.  Shake them out, repeat x30.  Then continue the mosey back to the Great Lawn.  Finish with Monkey Humpers x25 and LBC x49.

Justice wraps up with Count Off, Name-o-rama and Prayer, including especially prayers for togetherness and unity during a contentious election cycle.

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