A Soggy Six
A Soggy Six

A Soggy Six

QIC:Jingle Vader
PAX:Amnesty, Bogey, Hawgcycle, Heisenberg, Rudy and Jingle Vader (Q)

The ground was spongy, but the sky was clear. So after DISCLAIMER, the PAX of six is off.

First COP:
SSHs 30xIC
Good Mornings 20xIC
Imperial Walkers 30xIC
Low Slow Squats 30xIC
Peter Parkers 30xIC

Pick up a boy and mosey towards the parking lot (with an interruption after YHC’s phone/clock slipped through his pants with no pockets). Tclaps to Bogey for his eagle eye.

Second COP:
Round of Elevens across the field: 10-to-1 burpees on one side, and 1-to-10 bench presses on the other; squish in the middle. The PAX did their best to imitate feral hogs: ground a bit torn up. Sorry.

Third COP:
Shoulder presses 20xIC
Curls 20xIC
Rows 20xIC
Squats 20xIC
Back scratchers 12xIC

After a short mosey across the bog.

Some Mary:
LBCs 52xIC
Flutter kicks 26xIC
Rosalitas 26xIC
Turn over for a full body soak:
Ys 26xIC
Ws 13xIC
Ts 13xIC
Turn back over for full marination
LBCs 52xIC

Return the boys and mosey to flag. Namorama, prayers for flood victims and the rest of us. Manana is SFx’s Birthday Q: hasta luego.