This is the second time writing this – bc it deleted when I tried to publish last time with all of my witty banter and commentary. So this one is a bit more bare bones.
10 PAX in a relatively cool summer AM.
Mosey to Soccer Field. COP1
SSH X 25 Imp Walker Squats x 20, Monkey Humps x 15, LBCs x 25 (enter some witty comeback for JV who commented that Hawg always does 85 of these) and finally Merks x 20.
Mosey to goalpost where we do Rocketman.
4 stations. 10 burpees is the count. Other stations were squats, peekaboo pullups, and merks.
Insert Some interesting commentary here from Seaman about why we Clockwise on the zoo side of Magazine and counter clockwise on the park side…and frankly I never noticed but his observation does seem to be true.
Mosey to the Audubon statue. Decline Peter Parkers and Hip Slappers x 20 each.
DORAS 300 Dying Cockroaches. Partner 1 does a .25 mile loop. Partner 2 does the dyin’roach until the pair hit 300.
Back to the wall for one leg squats x 20 each leg.
Then a DORA set again. Dips to 200. We had to modify to 150. After 30 dips I was hurting pretty bad so the modify was necessary. Partner 2 did the lap.
Then we mosey’d past the tomatoes bootcamp for $$ and did some Mary in the Field.
Here we did LbTwists x 25 (not 85), Ys Ts and Ws x 20 each, and then Vups x 25, and we finished with Hip Dippers x 10 each side.
Then we hustled back to the FLAG for COT.
We prayed for Law Enforcement, our city, our country, our state and Tinkles.
Reminded everyone to make it to City park tonight for the Summer Series Race!
See you tonight and then Friday in the Gloom!