New Orleans East?
New Orleans East?

New Orleans East?

QIC:Heisenberg, Bogey & Jingle Vader
PAX:Bogey, Colonel, Heisenberg & Jingle Vader

A few brave PAX in a Clown Car made a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic with their daffodils (and 28 other high school seniors and 26 other dads). Veni, vidi, post.

YHC arrived late (I think after just 7 or 8 arm circles), so apologies if I missed anything more. Also, the following is only a vague approximation of our Beat Down.

Anyway, at least as YHC recalls it, Heisenberg Q’d a warmup:
the rest of 15 arm circles forward
15 more backwards
17 SSHs (can the man count?)
21 mountain climbers (I ask again)

It then started to rain, so that YHC couldn’t see. Heisenberg passed the Q on to Bogey, for a quick mosey around the bases (about 50 yards apart) from home to 3d then 2d to 1st (can’t tell you why that direction, ask him): at 3d base, 20 burpees; at 2nd base, 20 low slow squats (even though Q started with fast squats); at 1st base, 20 full on sit-ups; then back to home to catch some breath. Next, some Elevens: Merkins (10..9..8….1), then run half way across the plaza to Meriwethers (1..2..3….10), etc., etc.

Mosey across bridge to benches around one of about 50 gazillion pools (not yet filled with daily young things who apparently think that cloth cannot be used in units of more than about six square inches per person), for Bogey’s third COP:
20 Channing Tatems
20 Dips
20 Tatem Channings

Mosey to the beach around a VB court for Heisenberg’s Animals on Parade: bear crawl along one side of VB court, bear crawl sideways to the other side, then crab walk back to another side. Lots of mumble chatter from YHC and others: remember this is in the soft sand, which multiplies the BeatDown by about a million-fold: palms don’t work and fists bury deep into the sand. Survive.

YHC’s turn for the Q: mosey back over the bridge back to the big plaza for some Mary:
10 Doctor Ws (of course)
20 flutter kicks
20 real Freddie Mercuries
20 rosalitas
20 Putins
20 Hello Dollies
20 penguins (or maybe something else)

YHQ is sure he forgot something, but that’s the drift of it. Namorama, Intentions and COP.


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