On the Feast of OLG in mild New Orleans December morning in the gloom,
19 Pax, including 2 FNG, began with moseyed to the museum for
warm-ups. SSH x 40; IW x 30; Peter Parker x 15; PlankJack x 15; Parker
Peter x 15; Arm Circle x 40 one-way and then 40 the other way. Ended
warm-up with 20 IW Squats.
We moseyed to picnic shelter near lake. Inspired by RY on my first F3
work-out, we broke out the Deck of Death. Everyone got a piece of a
picnic bench
Clubs= Dips
Hearts=Mission Impossible Holds
Diamonds= Floyd Meaweathers
Went about half way through deck, then went to lake track for Indian
Run with 10 burbees half way through and then 30 slow slow squats
about 2/3 way through (Squats included 10-sec holds at bottom of squat
10, 20, 25, and 30).
Pax moseyed back to shelter to continue deck of death. Had to cut
short to mosey. Stopped at museum for one round of People’s Chair.
Moseyed to great lawn for Mary’s Deck of Death.
Spades=Russian Twist
Clubs= Reach-Throughs
Hearts=vertical toe touches
Diamonds= flutters
Didn’t finish- sprinted to flag.
Two FNGs:
Stephen=Kim Chi
– mention of Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day, Patroness of Americas
and the Unborn Child
– Fr. Pedro Arrupe, SJ’s “Fall in Love” Prayer
I wish I would have made it to this workout!
One of these days we will finish the DECK of DEATH!