The Skinny Arm post
TThhee SSkkiinnnnyy AArrmm ppoosstt

The Skinny Arm post

QIC:Reluctant Yankee
PAX:Douille, Mulligan, Nip/Tuck

OK- AO – The Birdcage/The Skinny #norocks

Sure there were only 4 of us again!  But 4 dudes trying to get better.  It was by far the coldest morning of this fall.  I kept thinking that bagasse would show up with the flag – but he fartsacked on us!

The PAX started off with a gentle Mosey then things got harder.

First COP – SSH x 25, Hilllbilly x 25, Imperial Squats x 25, Merks x 20, Good mornings x 25

Kind of a quiet pax – I had to remind them to count in cadence.  Finally felt warm after that COP.

Run following the loop and stop at the Rows.  Rows x 20 while partner does burpees until Rows are done.  Then Rows x 15  while partner does burpees until Rows are done.

Then we mosey’d following the loop at Audubon.  We stopped and visited our old friend Jack Webb.

No rocks but our arms were still hurting!

Some mumble chatter about these goofy air pumps until we got to 10.  Then Douille had his ah-ha moment.  Jack Webb to 10.  Gives + 50 push ups.

Then we mosey’d to the benches at the fountain near St Charles Ave.  I offered the opportunity to the faster runners to meet at the benches.  Nip Tuck and Douille took off.

Here we did a COP:  Step Ups left leg, step ups right leg, Dips, one leg left squats, one leg right squats and slow dips holding each position.  x 20

Mosey to the Golf tees.  Here we got to work on our 6 minutes of Mary.

Hello Dolly, Russian Twist, Dying Cockroach, LBC, Peter Parkers, Flutter, x 25

Mosey a half mile.  Finish the 6MOM that we started.

Parker Peters, Plank Jacks, Mtn Climbers x 20

Then it was a sprint to the finish at the Flag!

A quick prayer to better human beings – every day all day!