YHC was pretty sure that it was going to be a very lonely Monday workout – to my surprise we had a solid PAX of 6!
A very cool 65 degrees in NOLA in July – and gloomy workout this Monday.
We did a very unusual delay start bc of a text I received right before 530AM. Delayed start until 535AM when X and FNG – the brow (an Anthony Davis reference – no he does NOT look like Frida Kahlo).
We broke tradition and left the flag behind by going left instead of right!
First COP – SSH and Imperial Squats x 25, then Merkins and Peter Parkers x 15
Mosey’d to the outdoor GYM. At the playground we divided into 3 pairs.
1 ran approx 1/2 mi to gate into park while the other partner did:
5 pull ups, 10 burpees, 15 cross fit pushups (next time these need to be moved away from burpees), 20 LBCs, and 25 Squats
Once the partner who ran to the gate got back – it was time to switch – no matter where you were in progression. We did this cycle x 2.
Then we mosey’d to the track. At the track we did another COP –
LBC x 12, Parker Peters, x 12 , Calf raises x 12, Peoples Chair counted out to 12
Then we mosey’d 400 m
Then we did 6MOM – LBC twist x 12, Dying Cockroach x 12, Putins x 12, Flutters x 12, Hello Dolly x 12 and Plank Jack x 12
Then we mosey’d 200 m – during the Mosey we ran backwards x 50m , side hop left x 50m, side hop right x 50 m and then finished with a 50 m sprint – horses to the barn!
COT: Prayed for Maverick’s friends in lakeview who have a child with heart issues, prayed for Dr Keith. We also prayed for all of our boys who are traveling right now! Tclaps to Maverick who made his last workout for a month – as he takes his family to Santiago Chile for work.
Tclaps to our FNG- the brow – who hates to get up early, Tclaps to Ecks (X) for coming back to join us after a few weeks off! Not a bad way to start the week.