610 Stomp #96 – Full of Respect
610 Stomp #96 – Full of Respect

610 Stomp #96 – Full of Respect

PAX:Tool, Jingle Vader, Milkman, StubHub

YHC arrived at the AO to find four eager Pax with only a minute to spare, but with a shovel flag in hand.  With the AO properly marked, it was time to give the disclaimer…..and then instructions…

Run the regular route and be back at the track for 0600.  Seeing this was a running AO, the passing of Cheech came up.  YHC saw the Pax be more cautious of traffic, alerting each other of vehicles approaching.  We made it to Orleans Avenue, crossed the bayou, and started the return trip. While preparing to cross Wisner Blvd, where Beauregard previously guarded the entry to City Park, a car ran a red light where the Pax had the right away to cross.  Would the car have stopped if we crossed?  Distracted drivers can be a real threat to a runner, and we must stay aware and look out for one another.
Upon arrival at the track, we executed some LBC’s while waiting for the six, then went right into the Rudy special….Sprints! Three laps, sprint the straightaways and mosey the corners. Hey look, we have time to bank some burpees for Cadre Danny! 10 Burpees OYO! Times up, let’s mosey to the flag.

Count off, name-o-rama – where Tool and I discovered the other three Pax were Respect. So, with the Pax posting today being more than 50 percent Respect, YHC calls that Full of Respect!
Announcements and a prayer to the Sky Q, thankful for the day, and asking for guidance to make the most of it.

Thanks for posting!

YHC intends to invest in some high visibility gear to mitigate the risk of incident caused by distracted drivers while running in the gloom. Hawg also posted some good information on the GroupMe app for identification purposes in the event that worse case scenario becomes a reality.