After back-to-back sprint workouts (thanks Hawg and Amnesty), my hammys were screaming at me as I dragged them out of bed. What better way to start a cold New Orleans day than with MORE SPRINTS!
First the Disclaimer for the 5 brave men and 1 Friendly New Dog. Then off to the races. 6 minute run, 30 second sprint, 30 second recovery down the usual Bayou St John route. But wait – who is that coming in hot? Who else – welcome to the festivities, Hawg. Thanks for pushing me guys, I hadn’t made it that far (top of the overpass) on the 610 stomp before. I thought my hammys were sore before…
Returned to the flag (1 minute late) for 10 OYO burpees to Seal the Deal. Count off, Name-o-rama, Naming of the FND, and closing with a prayer. As usual, I like to finish with St Ignatius Prayer for Generosity (though I drew a temporary blank on the first line – too much sprinting, I guess)
Lord, teach me to be generous.
Teach me to serve you as you deserve;
to give, and not to count the costs;
to fight, and not to heed the wounds;
to toil, and not to seek for rest;
to labor, and not to ask for reward, except that of knowing I am doing your will.