610 Stomp #198 – Year 3
610 Stomp #198 – Year 3

610 Stomp #198 – Year 3


YHC signed up for the Q at the stomp a few weeks ago for his 3 year anniversary of F3. However, said Q forgot what day it was, until he was rolling in hot. One would think a 3 year milestone would warrant a unique beat down, but nay, it was the Stomp.

Brief disclaimer, then instructions to run 20 minutes out and back, meet back at the flag for a little extra.

Upon returning to the flag, we completed:

Merkins IC x 10 (20 total)

Seal the deal with 10 Burpees OYO


Count off, name-o-rama, intentions, closed with a prayer

Welcome Oops! and Nexium. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of F3 for the last 3 years, it is truly an awesome thing!