610 Stomp #10 – The Force Awakens
610 Stomp #10 – The Force Awakens

610 Stomp #10 – The Force Awakens

PAX:Forest, Hawgcycle (QIC), Jingle Vager fka Jazzy, Shorty, Side Effects, Tool

I am not the sharpest tool in the shed.  I walked out of my house and realized I had left my truck at my M’s office about a half-mile away.  I grabbed the bike and started out – train.  Anyway, YHC got there a couple of minutes late, but the pax was still there, probably expecting me to be cutting it close.  5 other Stompers were waiting, 4 members of the regular krewe and Jingle Vader, fka Jazzy, ready for his inaugural 610 stomp.

The Thang

4.5 miles with burpees oyo every 6 minutes. Shorty and SFX set the pace and YHC never saw them again after the first set of burpees.  Tool provided the conversation I needed to forget about my aching feet. The usual 90 mph fly by on Filmore was performed by some sort of Sedan today.  The 4-Runner must be in the shop.  SFX was kind enough to come back and find YHC and run with me for my last quarter mile.  Everyone did 10 burpees to finish The Thang off.


Some talk about the eventful #RockCity workout yesterday and planning for the 20,000 tomatoes coming to watch us workout on Saturday for our 1-year anniversary convergence.  We are also looking forward to the new Monday workout at the Birdcage AO.  #RockCity has gotten so big we have to split it – only room for three people on the pull up bars.

We prayed for a friend with Cancer and for our children and wives.

