60 Minutes of Joy in City Park
60 Minutes of Joy in City Park

60 Minutes of Joy in City Park

QIC:Side Effects
PAX:Rudy, Tool, Reluctant Yankee, Jingle Vader, Out for Justice, Maverick, Bubba, Sparky, Griswald, and Kim Chi

Eleven hardcore veterans of F3 subjected themselves to 60 minutes of painful joy in City Park even with the realization that it may cause days of soreness.  YHC’s bad reputation may no longer hold the power it once did so he endeavored to reestablish the fear with…..

The Thang:

Mosey to Great Lawn
Imperial Squat Walkers (IC) x 30
Bear Crawl to one side of LawnCrab Walk back to middle of Lawn
Mosey to the other side of Lawn
Squat Ladder: Run to opposite side of Lawn (the width, approx 50 yards) and perform 20 squats, return to start and perform 19 squats, repeato until perform 1 squat

Mosey to The Foundry
PAX divided into the following exercise stations:Pull-ups (Modify: Jump chin to bar and slow drop) (OYO) x 10 (Exercise Station Timer)
Bar Dips
Low Bar Rows
Hip Slappers (Modify: Feet on bench w/ high 6)
Hanging bar kicks (Modify: Hanging knee-ups)
Merkin Bulldogs (YHC Original – decline merkin – push backwards and bend legs, head moves in a circular motion)
Everyone through the rotation 2 times

90 Degree Arm Hang for time x2 – Tclaps to Sparky for outlasting the PAX twice

Mosey to the water fountain

Mosey to the Museum Steps
Divide in 3 Groups for:Calf Raises on Steps
Rocky Balboa
Ascending Tooth Fairy (Merkin on each step, 1 on 1st, 2 on 2nd, 3 on 3rd, etc. to 14th Step)
Rotate when Tooth Fairy Group finishes

Mosey to the Great Lawn
Dr. W (IC) x 13
Dancing Chillicut (IC) x 10LBC (IC) x 26
Superman (IC) x 10
Flutterkicks (IC) x 30

Mosey to the Actual Flag (Made its first appearance in like three weeks of posting for me) Tclaps to Griswald for bringing the flag

Sacred Heart 5k on 2/27

Amnesty – Health
RY – Aunt Julie – Health
Bubba’s Friend – 31 week old baby passed
OSHA and Bubba’s Wifes Health