60 Minutes of Glory with the Bad Rep
6600 MMiinnuutteess ooff GGlloorryy wwiitthh tthhee BBaadd RReepp

60 Minutes of Glory with the Bad Rep

QIC:Side Effects
PAX:Kim Chi, Risky Business, Rudy, Sparky, and Tool

For sixty minutes of glory, six mighty men of valor slew thousands of Big Easy Fartsackers with grit, determination, and brotherhood once again, without a flag.  Apparently our normal PAX could not handle a little change in temperature or YHC is getting a bad reputation for Qing workouts.

The Thang

Mosey to the Pop Band Stand
30 Imperial Squat Walkers (IC)
30 Side Straddle Hop Burpees (IC) = 10 burpees

Detour by the non-existent flag to see if the African American Lady in a Chevy Blazer was one of you Fartsackers!

Mosey to The Foundry
Partner up, rotating between working in the foundry and running approximately 300 meters to achieve the following numbers (since YHC modified the numbers there were overachievers):

50 Pull-ups – Modify options: Round 1: Jump chin to bar with a slow drop; Rounds 2+: 3 low rows = 1 pull-up
100 Modified Balls to the Wall – Feet up on 4 foot high bar
100 Bar Kicks – Modify option: knee-ups
150 Parallel Bar Dips – Modify option: bench dips

30 Second count

Mosey to the Side Museum Steps

Partner 1: Rocky Balboa
Partner 2: Modified Tooth Fairy (Bearcrawl instead of Hopping and adding another merkin at each step): 1 Merkin on 1st Step, 2 Merkins on 2nd Step, etc. up to 15th Step (120 Total)

20 Second Count

Mosey to the Great Lawn

CoP for 6MoM:
Dr. W (IC) x 12
Dancing Chilcutts (IC) x 12
LBC (IC) x 24
Superman Reps (IC) x 12
Flutterkicks (IC) x 36
Superman Hold for about 30 seconds

To get in the Valentine’s Day Spirit:
Tunnel of Love x 3 crawls each

Mosey to the Flag Sans Flag

Idle Chatter:
YHC said he would start bringing a Swedish Flag because maybe a dose of Socalism will get one of our Republic Patriots to remember the Red, White, and Blue!

Shout Outs:
RY’s Aunt Julie
YHC’s Father
OSHA’s Wife
Bubba’s Wife

T-claps to Risky Business for not giving up on the Modified Tooth Fairy despite it being his second post.


  1. Side Effects

    Is it lame to comment on your own post within 24 hours and before anyone else does? Either way, post workout report: Intense soreness has set in on the lower abs and outer chest. In my estimation it can only be for one of two reasons, 1) I don’t get to enough F3 workouts on a weekly basis, or 2) That was a killer, upper body muscle shredding workout. I will let the PAX weigh-in on that.

  2. Hawgcycle

    I am mostly posting this to keep your self-comment from appearing so lame. A few more comments and it may not be so noticeable. Also, impressive number of tags on this backblast. I will admit that I am a little scared of your Qs, but I’ll use a Valentine breakfast with the M and little girl as my excuse.

  3. Rudy_NOLA

    I hurt. I hurt for days. Still today. I look at those stairs by the museum and wonder: how could an incline merkin on those be so damned hard – we were nearly vertical!!!!???? Then I remember – Oh Right, you had already run us through the ringer. Nice workout!

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