Warmorama rappers delight edition except with 51 SSH of course. The Thang; mosey to the backside of the gym, grab some wall, and let the bodies hit the floor! Hold high plank position while the song plays and donkey kick above the line every time you hear the title and Merkin on the count.
Mosey to parking lot in front of gym for Z90s: (traverse a Z shaped course, stopping at each point of the Z for an exercise in honor of those of us who became legal during the 90s, let the drum machine-laden club music rain down on your ear drums—you’re welcome): 4 exercises, 5/10/15/20 reps
Round 1 (bear crawl): burpee, Cracker Jacks (frog>star jump>frog), merkin, plank jacks, mosey to start and plank for (not on!) the six.
Round 2 (crab walk): burpee, air squats, dry docks, Peter Parker
With 5 rounds planned, I introduced the Bolt Birthday Option after round 2: yell, “Happy Birthday” and roll one of two deca dies and let fate decide except “water break” because we r not chicks (numerous exercises followed ranging from 15-30 reps). I’m humbled by how many pax wanted to give me gifts…or perhaps they’d simply had enough Z90s since I heard very little mumblechatter during the rounds.
“Shockingly” the rest of the BD was headed toward endless rolls of the die; time for Rochamburpee (partner up in head to head low plank for 10 rounds of rock, paper, scissor with the loser doing burpees while the winner does merkins with the count being the round number). Some pax made 10 rounds while others were content that it was time to return to the flag for COT. I was humbled and honored to share the gloom with 12 other pax as I complete my 51st trip around the sun with my watch recording an average heart rate more than 100 beats over my age—progress.