4×20 on 420 – from Rudy
4×20 on 420 – from Rudy

4×20 on 420 – from Rudy

PAX:Bongo, Glitter Balls, High Rise, Jesus Juice, Kuch, Rudy, YaMomAnEm, Runway

Delightful gloom at the lakefront! 8 PAX celebrated 420 day. Thanks to all of the millenials who were able to explain to YHC *why* 420 is now associated with weed. Rest assured, no weed was present at the workout.

Mosey to the foot of Canal Street for a quick warm up, then lets get to work.

4×20: Run up/across/down/across. At each corner, 20 reps of an exercise.
* Hand Release Merkins (Jesus Juice notes that “4 sets didn’t sound so hard when we started”)
* Big Boy SitUps (High Rise wants Crunches. YHC says “Listen to the Q”)
* Lunges (Glitter Balls rejects the “2 is 1” count, YHC concurs. 1 is 1 it is)
* Peter Parkers (Kuch – my gosh, the man is a never ending stream of conscience. QUIET PLEASE)

Head to the top of the levee – 10 burpees OYO.

4:20 of Quadrophelia

Off to the house of pain for 1 round (all we had time for)
* Pull Ups (Ya Mom and Dem casually knocked out about 75 pull ups. Impressive)
* Step Ups
* Crunches
* Up the hill for 5 burpees

Back to the flag for a last 5 burpees and a few rounds of Mary

COT, Name-o-Rama. There’s a lot of 39 year olds out here…

Be on the lookout for the 40th Lake View beer run in the coming months.

Intentions and a prayer to close out a glorious morning.