40 points are better than 0 points
40 points are better than 0 points

40 points are better than 0 points

PAX:Amnesty, Walleye, Hand Grenada, Hawg, Babyface, Rev Sox, Marlin, Rudy, Medulla, King Kong, War Eagle, Mahatma, Pai Gow

It was a rough Monday morning for us Saints fans on the heels of that embarrasing loss in the season opener.  Surely a 45min therapy session at Rock City would help cure any hangovers or headaches.  Here’s how the healing went:

Started with a mosey to usual area for warmup x20ea SSH, AC, WM, LSS, LCC, follwed by a brief delay where YHC pointed out scoring 40 points in a game is nothing to shake a stick….gotta think positive!  YHC annouced we’d knock out 40 of the final exercise which were SSH, despite Rudy’s request for burpees, which would come later.  Then a bear crawl to the rockpile to make sure the juices were flowing.

We picked our rocks and headed to the main field/track area, keeping the rocks moving along the way with curls and presses.

Circuit #1:  We lined up on the back of the endzone and partnered up.  PAX #1 ran to opposite endzone for 10 Burpees and ran back (timer) while PAX#2 knocked out Curls x20, LBC X20, Curls x20, LBC x20,…until partner was back.  Flip flop, rinse and repeat twice for a total of 3 rounds.

Circuit #2:  We lined up again, this time approx 1oyds from the edge of the track.  Got things going with a 10 Burpee pre-thang to bring our total up to 40 Burpees.   Then, 4 rounds of Shoulder Press x10, Bear Crawl to track, Merkins x10, Backwards Bear Crawl…..totaling 40ea on the two exercises.

Mary:  Round Robin included Hello Dolly x20, V-Ups x10, In-Outs x10, Penguins x20, capped off with LBT x31 to give a shout out to the LSU Tigers scoring 31 points and to Mahatma’s son who is on the team.

Time was ticking so time back to the rockpile, then a mosey to the flag followed by some planking.

COT:  YHC explained the orignal workout plan envisioned was hinged around the Saints winning and using the points scored as rep counts and as a way to celebrate our road to the post season.  Since we instead ended with a loss, YHC thought it would be fitting to still use the points scored by the Saints as a reminder for us to be greatful for what you have in life and not stress over what you don’t.  Additionally, we all have rough days on occasion and need to remind ourselves that the next day is a chance to move forward and make any improvements….which is hopefully what our beloved football team will do.  Capped things off with a prayer with intentions for Hawg’s mom and YHC’s son Brady.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.
