4 Corners Core – from Einstein
4 Corners Core – from Einstein

4 Corners Core – from Einstein

PAX:BBQ, Darkwing Duck, Einstein, Fletch, Jose10k, Mobydick, turdodog

Warm and humid today – but it’s always a couple degrees cooler atop the Justice Center Parking Garage.

Warmup: toe touch, arm circles, snap crackle pops, hi jack hi jills, side straddle hops, vertical penguins, grass grabbers, imaginary jump rope, scissors, etc.

Thang: core exercises at each of the four corners of the parking deck, with running, bear crawling, lunging etc. to each corner.

Plenty of chatter today, with Jose10k and Moby sparring as usual, and BBQ kept us entertained with his nature boy observations. It was a splendid sunrise, with a brilliant three quarter waning moon to the West. Fletch spotted a cumulonimbus cloud.

DarkWingDuck prayed us out, with intentions abound.