A beautiful, crisp Saturday morning for the Mothership, with a quick disclaimer we ….circled up.
For the last couple of weeks, YHC has been thinking about events that have occurred in our F3 family. These include Terrabyte’s passing, illness with our F3 brother’s loved ones and the impending closure of Morning Call and loss of employment, at least temporarily, for our faithful waiter, Mike. As YHC was preparing for his Q at the Mothership during the week, YHC noticed an old favorite movie had been added to Netflix, Black Hawk Down. This film is about the Battle of Mogadishu in Somalia in the early nineties which resulted in the death of 19 American Soldiers, YHC noted some explicit themes in the movie such as “No Man Left Behind” and “We fight for the man next to you”. There was also some implicit themes including no man is on his own. Clearly, all of these themes are echoed in the F3 credo “Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him”. So in honor of the 19 American Soldiers who died in Mogadishu and all of our F3 Brothers going through tough and uncertain times, this Mothership beatdown will have no OYO exercises. One other note on Blackhawk Down, in the movie there was multiple references to “chalks”. After some quick research with the source of all sources, Wikipedia, a “chalk” in military terminology is a group of troops (think platoon) in an airborne assault. PAX, count off 1, 2, 3, 4 and form up into Chalks 1, 2, 3 and 4. This will be your group throughout the workout. Each Chalk designate a Chalk Q and grab a Flag.
Mosey to Great Lawn for Warm Up
Form rows of by chalk starting with Chalk 1 then Chalk 2 followed by Chalk 3 and 4. Chalks try to stay in formation Let’s begin:
All exercises until Q yells Halt
- Walking Soldiers
- High Knees
- Butt Kicks
- Carioca
Circle up for additional warm-up:
- Self Love I/C X20
- Imperial Walkers I/C X20
- Hillbillies I/C X20
Form your Chalks into circles on the Great Lawn for the next thang… Bear Crawl Ring of Fire:
- Bearcrawl Counter-Clockwise till Q yells halt
- 10 merkins in ring of fire fashion starting with the PAX to the left of the Chalk Q
- Bearcrawl Clockwise
- 10 wide merks Bearcrawl Counter-Clockwise till Q yells halt
Let’s increase the difficulty!
- Boo Boo Bearcrawl Counterclockwise Right Leg Up
- 10 staggered right merkins in ring of fire fashion starting with the PAX to the left of the Chalk Q
- Boo Boo Bearcrawl Clockwise Left Leg Up
- 10 staggered left merkins in ring of fire fashion starting with the PAX to the left of the Chalk Q
Chalks grab flag, form columns and march to road in front of Storyland. Line up chalks in four columns facing towards museum for Indian Runs to Fountain.
At Fountain circle up staying with your Chalk for Red Hot Chili Pepper:
- Right Leg Step Ups x 16; Decline Merkins x 8; Left Leg Step Ups x 16; Incline Merkins x 8
- Right Leg Step Ups x 12; Decline Merkins x 6; Left Leg Step Ups x 12; Incline Merkins x 6
- Right Leg Step Ups x 8; Decline Merkins x 4; Left Leg Step Ups x 8; Incline Merkins x 4
- Right Leg Step Ups x 4; Decline Merkins x 2; Left Leg Step Ups x 4; Incline Merkins x2
Next, down Lelong Drive for more Indian Runs in Chalks. T-claps to Chalk 3 for hanging back to keep their chalk together. Now you’re getting the idea!
Mosey in Chalk to side of NOMA and partner up in Chalk for O.P.P.
One PAX does OH Claps (O) in People’s Chair (P) while the other PAX does 20 Plank Jacks (P) Flapjack till Q yells halt. These were done in 2 count cadence. Let’s try to stay together on cadence Chalks!
Time is running out so grab Flags and mosey in Chalk columns to great lawn for:
Quick Mary:
- Flutter Kicks I/C X20
- Hello Dolly I/C X20
Times up so circle around Flags in Great Lawn for CoT
Count-Off, Name-o-rama (1 FNG who was named Twin Span as he’s from Slidell), Intentions and Prayer.
T-claps to all the PAX who did the daily double, the Mothership and Krazy Ivan. Southshore brought the Freedom Hammer home!
Thank you PAX for embracing the Beatdown’s theme of no man is “on his own” in F3. As we all go through life’s ups and downs, it feels good to know that we have our F3’ brothers to watch our six. We are truly our Brother’s Keeper!
NM Moleskin
For 4 years, the PAX have been enjoying F2 and F3 at the Morning Call in City Park after the Mothership. For most if not all of those coffeetaria’s, we have arrived to ice cold water to refresh us and been served “Hot” au laits, “Cold” iced coffees and for a brave few “Hot Black” coffees by our faithful waiter Mike. We all know that this past weekend was the last for Morning Call and there is some uncertainty whether Mike will come back with Café du Monde. Even if he does, he will be out of work for at least a month. So in true F3 fashion, an operation was drummed up. In a short week, what became known as Operation Big Tip was put into full effect to thank Mike for all of his service to the PAX. The PAX raised $349 for Mike and a Framed Picture signed by the PAX was delivered at Coffeetaria. YHC even noticed a tear in Mike’s eye. The PAX should be proud of their efforts. This is the best of F3.