3 Steps Forward and 1 Step Back – from Charmin
3 Steps Forward and 1 Step Back – from Charmin

3 Steps Forward and 1 Step Back – from Charmin

PAX:Bolt, Charmin, Kenna Brah, PVC, War Eagle

Warm up:

15 SSH
10 Grass grabbers
10 neck rolls (on your own)
10 of each arm circles forward, bacwards, seal claps, t-claps, chinooks, and mnc’s.
14 kid n plays ( a new one Russo on the Northshore came up with, where it’s a backward lunge followed by a high knee extension to the front)

Mission check: penalty 5 burpees.

“To plant grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.”

I won’t say who, but the group did have to do 10 burpees.

10 mountain climbers
5 merkins (focus on perfect form)

The thang

Run forward three light poles – backwards walk one (back towards light pole #2)

When get to playground (which took longer than expected), 7 perfect form merkins

Exercise equipment, where each Pax picked a piece of equipment and YHC was the timer of 10 big boys. Rotate counter clockwise until all exercises were done.

2nd half of lap is run forward two light poles and backwards walk forward to 3rd lightpole (lit lights only).

YHC posed a question of how are we striving to fulfill the mission of F3 in our daily lives.

Get back to start we planked until all pax shared how they are and will strive to advance the mission of F3.

Ended with 10 perfect form merkins at the flag.

In prayer, YHC mentioned that the Lord calls us to perfection, and often, once we complete something easy we are asked to complete something more difficult. The goal is to always push forward and complete the mission.