7 pax joined me to work on our
Toughness physically
Toughness mentally
Additionally “A whole lotta Rosie”, my 80# sand bag, joined us
We moseyed 1/4 mile loop around the track and lined up on a goal line
Each round we “bell curved” a run down the field and repeated “bell curve” on way back… bell curve run = start slow, speed up, sprint at 50, slow down and mosey.
Once we returned we would do a one minute AMRAP of a given exercise.
While we did the bell curve run, one Pax would remain at goal line and do any workout of their choice with Rosie. In the future, “spooning” is NOT an eligible exercise Boo-Boo 😜
Exercises in the AMRAP were
Low Slow Squat
Peoples Chair/ Al Gore
Plank L
Plank R
Lunges forward left
Lunges Forward Right
Lunges backward left
Lunges backward right
Nolan Ryan Left
Nola Ryan Right
Closed with COT