3 for 11’s and 7’s – from Russo
3 for 11’s and 7’s – from Russo

3 for 11’s and 7’s – from Russo

PAX:JV, Shooter, Russo

YHC has to wait another week to provide a weather report that doesn’t include “humid” or “hot and sticky” or “muggy”. Pax of 3 this morning at Granny’s.

Warmup (10x to 16x all IC)
– High knees
– Good mornings
– Arm circles
– Grass grabbers
– Butt kicks

I had a developed plan for next week that I debated pulling forward, but it leant itself to a larger number, so we went with a backup plan of the ever trusty 11s (or 7s in some cases), with a mosey or side shuffle between.

Round 1 (10 and 1): ST merkins and Nut crackers (2 is 1)

Round 2 (10 and 1): Jump squats and Apollo Ohnos

Round 3 (6 and 1): Freak Nastys and Step ups (2 is 1)

Round 4 (6 and 1): Big boi sit-ups and leg raises

We wrapped it up with a minute of planking and 10 chill jacks just for fun.

COT, Name-o-Rama, announcements, and prayer to close us out. Reminder that Hammer’s Bible study (this Wednesday) and the September 11 5k (on 9/10) are both ongoing or approaching. Check Slack for more info.

Good work, men, and thanks for joining. SYITG