21 – Blackjack Baby!
21 – Blackjack Baby!

21 – Blackjack Baby!

So I googled “blackjack quotes” and the following was the first one that appeared.

“I like to play Blackjack. I am not addicted to gambling. I am addicted to sitting in a semi circle. ” Modify as needed – “I like the count-off and name-o-rama and intentions. I am not addicted to F3. I am addicted to the COT and standing in a circle.”

The Lakeview clown car pulled up to the front of the museum with just a few minutes to spare this morning. After a quick disclaimer, the PAX moseyed for a warm-up run around the Museum and settled back on the grass in front of the lake for warm-ups as follows:

SSH x 21, Windmills x 21, Peter Parkers x 21, Nolan Ryan x 21 (R & L), Merkins x 21 (this was input from youngest son last night when planning Q) and finish warm-up with some self love for one minute.

Thang 1 – searched the F3 lexicon last night and stumbled across the “Blackjack” – we moseyed back to the area by the Muscleship flag, look up and see the Mothership PAX approaching/crossing the railroad tracks – like a scene from West Side Story, Romeo & Juliet, or possibly Revenge of the Nerds, a battle seemed imminent. Some mumblechatter ensued between the PAX and the Mothership PAX proceed to greet us with monkey humpers, but the Muscleship PAX cannot be distracted and remained focused on the beatdown and the F3 task at hand. Blackjacks – similar to 11’s, but better – ie. 21’s. Start with one Merkin, run three trees, then 20 LBC’s. Continue 21’s until 20 merkins and 1 LBC. The PAX powered through the end for the last 20 merkins. Apologies to Chips for not providing clearer instructions to the PAX. You may have done a few more LBC’s but your abs will be thanking you tomorrow.

Thang 2 – continuing with the “21” theme we moseyed to the neutral ground in front of NOMA and lined up in single file line facing the museum for some 21’s. SSH x 5 in cadence. SSH 6-21 done in silence and PAX to stop at 21. Abacus, the Q, lost count and did one too many. No penalty burpees.

Thang 3 – son Joel suggested toe-taps, aka Rocky Balboa’s. So the PAX did 100 Rocky Balboa’s on neutral ground by NOMA. 20 second rest then another 100 Rocky Balboa’s.

Thang 4 – sensing the PAX shoulders were still steaming from the 21’s, we altered the Q’s plan and moseyed to the deck in front of the lake by NOMA. Time for some leg work. “Aiken legs” done in succession with no rest – Squats x 21, Lunges x 21, Box jumps/step-ups x 21, and Monkey Humpers x 21. 20 count recovery. Rinse and repeat a second time. The Q did not want the legs to miss out on the work-out.

Thang 5 – short mosey back to the flag for the “Bear Crawl Ring of Fire” – circle up near flag and bear crawl in counter-clockwise motion. Upon direction from Q, stop and do 10 merkins. Resume bear crawl again. 10 additional merkins. Close out the last few minutes with some flutter kicks x 21 and warrior one stretch poses.

Circle-up for count-off, name-o-rama, announcements, and intentions. Thanks to Kenner-Brah for reminding the 10 PAX of the importance of thankfulness and gratitude. Well said. Weather was perfect this morning, with sunrise over the lake by NOMA, slight breeze. Soon enough we will be working out in the “dog days” of summer. Thankful for the support and opportunity to lead the PAX this morning.