Celebrating with Mayhem Merkins – from Rudy
Celebrating with Mayhem Merkins – from Rudy

Celebrating with Mayhem Merkins – from Rudy

PAX:Bongo, Cheese Steak, Floaties, Fracsac, High Rise, Jesus Juice, Mayhem, Rudy, Squints, Thumb War

Lovely 65 degree morning at the lakefront. A far cry from last week’s 40 degree gale force winds. 10 PAX to celebrate Mayhem’s birthday. YHC received a few texts suggesting that I use the Mayhem Merkin in the workout. Fear not, that was definitely included in the plan.

5:30am sharp – a quick sing-a-long for Mayhem, then across the street for a warm up. Despite the warm temp, Squints refused to part with his NYY sweatshirt, celebrating opening day.

Thing 1: Route 66, with Mayhem Merkins.

YHC caused confusion by incorrectly calling it 11s. That’s what I had planned – until he arrived and saw how lovely the waters of Okwata were. Fortunately, people quickly figured out what was up. Frac played the roll of Triple Shift by critiquing my form as I demonstrated the MM. Jesus Juice seemed quite confused as to how it was a 10 count exercise. No amount of counting it could quite solve his issues. Thumb War managed to convince a few people to go Shoulder-Tap-Hip-Slap rather than the approved technique. Mayhem and High Rise led the way, while YHC brought up the rear.

Thing 2: 3/27. YHC has a thing for numbers. Today: 3/27. 27 is 3 cubed. 3*3*3 = 27.

Run the H8 loop. At each corner, do 3 burpees. Counting the starting and finishing point, that yields 9 stops. 3 burpees each. 27 burpees.

Thing 3: The PAX utterly failed when given a choice between a) Repeating 3/27 2 more times (total of 81 burpees) or b) What YHC had up his sleeve. Confusion reigned, and voter fraud was widely reported. So YHC chose plan B.

Top of the levee for a bear crawl indian run to the House of Pain. Then pair up for 5 stations: Pull-ups (or hangs), Big Bois, Dips, Sweat Angels – and the timer: run over the levee for 3 burpees and back.

Bongo talked for the entire 15 minutes – something about how he received an email from a Nigerian prince and was now traveling to go collect his money.

COT – Great to see Floaties out again. Becoming quite a regular already! Okwata never fails to disappoint, so many possibilities out there. And getting to watch the sunrise over the lake for a few minutes afterwards – offers YHC a chance to reflect on life and how to follow the example of these great men and “be better”.

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