Big Boy Battle at the Mound – from Mr Rodgers
Big Boy Battle at the Mound – from Mr Rodgers

Big Boy Battle at the Mound – from Mr Rodgers

QIC:Mr Rodgers
PAX:Hand Grenada, Kilo, Mahatma, Mayhem, Mr Rodgers, Rougarou

Conditions: Foggy, springy, and perfect for chaos

Disclaimer? What disclaimer? YHC was so locked in on the plan that a PAX had to ask if we were doing one. Oops. Onward.

Warm-up at the Rock Pile:

Low Slow Squats


Grass Grabbers

4-Count Wife Pleasers

Peter Parkers

Shoulder Taps

Game On: Grinder Relay
Teams of two. One rock per team. Rifle carry to the Indian Mound with rock hand-offs mid-journey. Let the madness begin.

Round 1 – 4 Rounds, 3 Sets:
Set 1:

P1: Bear crawl up, crawl bear down

P2: 10 Thrusters + Big Boys until tagged

Set 2:

P1: Mound repeat

P2: 10 Shoulder Presses + Big Boys

Set 3:

P1: Mound repeat

P2: 10 Rock Swings + Big Boys

Scoring was based on total Big Boy sit-ups per team… which got chaotic fast.

Mahatma started crawling before instructions were even done (classic), tanking his team’s strategy from the start.

Round 2 – 1 Round, 3 Sets:
Now with lunges instead of crawls. Exercises included:



Bent-Over Rows
(And yes, more Big Boys… so many Big Boys.)

Winners: Kilo and Mayhem – focused, efficient, and didn’t ask how many reps the other teams had.
DQ’d Teams:

Vagabond: Spent more time asking for others’ counts than doing his own.

Mahatma & Hand Grenada: Jumped the gun, ignored instructions, and swapped bear crawls for lunges due to… stickers.

Penalty: Losers carried the winners’ rock back. Because pain builds character.

COT: Quick name-o-rama, a prayer to be grateful for strong bodies (and tougher minds), and we called it a wrap.

Moral of the story:
Follow instructions. Respect the stickers. Never trust a Q who skips the disclaimer.

AYE! 👊

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