Monopoly VQ – from Monopoly
Monopoly VQ – from Monopoly

Monopoly VQ – from Monopoly

PAX:Abacus, DAX, Fracsac, Heisenberg, Triple Shift, Whopner

At 6:30 Sunday morning after a welcome and disclaimer we faced the bacon to warmup with Abe Vigodas, Grass Grabbers, Tie Fighters, Imperial Walkers, hillbillies and a seated leg stretch my M showed me she called butterflies.

After warming up with our stretches I treated the PAX to some music. We listened to Flower by Moby and each time the song said up we raised to the neutral squat position and each time the song said down we sank into an engaged squat and held until the next up in the song.

We then proceeded to complete a set of 11’s on the museum stairs with merkins by the fountain and Bobby Hurley’s at the top of the stairs.

We then circled the fountain for a circuit. Each PAX got to choose between two exercises and we ended up with: shoulder taps, American hammers, calf raises, box cutters, side straddle hops, big boy situps with a timer of dealer choice 6 count motivator or 10 8 count bodybuilders.

With a little extra time to fill we started a second round of circuit with arm circles, v ups, step ups, LBCs, inverted rows,(one exercise forgotten to time) and the same timer.

Q stopped the circuit part way through to make time for one more round with Moby. This time it was pushup position for up and superman position for down.

We made our way to the side of the museum for 3 sets of Sunday Mornings then back to the fountain for a quick cooldown.

We counted off, name-o-rama, announcements, intentions, and a prayer.