Ugh, I guess we need to do something now  – from Russo
Ugh, I guess we need to do something now – from Russo

Ugh, I guess we need to do something now – from Russo

PAX:Grundy, Pelican, Russo

Since Pelican and I have been regulars on Friday mornings, the goal has been to move around some, discuss the world’s problems, throw out a conspiracy or two, and generally move around enough to feel ok about eating dessert later. On a scale of 1-10 on the pain train / difficulty scale, we keep it under 4. That’s the reality of the spashpad, and I’m ok with it. Buuuut, we ha a visitor this week: Grundy. He of the “I’m going to do a cake walk with multiple-IC 8 count movements.” Mr. “A 2 .5 hour beatdown is not that bad one you get past the 100 burpees and only have man makers left.”

So needless to say, we needed to up our game to make sure it was somewhat worth getting up and driving over.

No Valentines to speak of (regrettably). No candy hearts or flowers or chocolate. Pax of 3 this morning, mid 40 throughout. With doctor’s orders to keep the running to a minimum, we did just that with a Tabata at the stage and benches.

Warmup (all 10x)
– arm circles
– Air presses
– Grass grabbers
– Imperial walkers
– Self love

Tabata (40 seconds on, 20 off) – alternating between benches and stage – 3 rounds at bench, 2 at the stage

Freak Nastys
Step ups
Bulgarian Split Squats

Flutter kicks
Monkey humpers
Plank jacks
Mountain climbers
Gas pumps
Cherry pickers
Crunchy frogs
Shoulder taps

No Mary to speak of, but we did of course wrap with a circle, announcements, and prayer.

Thank you gents for joining / reading. SYITG

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