Acrobatics at Okwata  – from Fracsac
Acrobatics at Okwata – from Fracsac

Acrobatics at Okwata – from Fracsac

PAX:Bongo, FracSac

Showed up to find Okwata very angry, it’s splashing arms reaching out to me from across the main drag of the Lakeshore. With 2 minutes to go, YHC had that sinking feeling of posting solo, but then, in the gloomy distance a set of headlights crossed the threshold of the lot and the pax did a maneuver only seen in CGI on the big screen. His car did a slide and park while the door flew open, the pax somersaulting while closing his car door, all in one fluid motion, defying all laws of gravity. It was truly an amazing sight.
So now that YHC was not alone, a disclaimer was given and off to the fountain for a warmup of regular stuff.
The thang:
Double shots with Jack Webb at the barre

Head to the House of Pain for the ISI of the month. 9 rounds of 10 second 90 degree arm hang with 20 seconds rest. This is supposed to make pull-ups easy.

Head to Canal for BLIMPS on the corners, followed by 4 corners over and over with abs as the focus. Got 3 miles in.


Bongo then did a backwards flip to his car, somehow opening the door, sliding in and racing off. That dude is amazing!


One comment

  1. Bongo

    Totally didn’t notice or realize I did all that physical, but I won’t doubt an observer. Whether it is catching a plane, train, or beatdown, I do tend to push time limits as much as possible. Very good beatdown though. Thanks for leading!

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