Make ’em say Uhhhhhggggg….. – from Architect
Make ’em say Uhhhhhggggg….. – from Architect

Make ’em say Uhhhhhggggg….. – from Architect

PAX:Architect, Bogey, Hand Grenada, Hawgcycle, Kilo, Mahatma, Mayhem, Mr Rodgers, Pool Boy, Scantron, Vagabond

YHC arose on time and ready to take on whatever today’s Q was to serve up. Upon arrival, only 4 PAX were present and after a few mumbled greetings I was enlightened with the fact that I was indeed the Q for the day (I blame Rudy for my lack of awareness).

Disclaimer provided and off we mosey’d to the Rock Pile for warmups. A few more less inspired PAX arrived, one donning a new garment that apparently made him feel “like one of the cool kids”. A little of this and a few of those, now we are nice an warm.

Da Thang….
Rocks were selected, and we cycled through a deconstructed “clean and press” focusing on form and mobility. Deadlifts, rows, squats, OHP and then finally putting it all together for the full movement.

PAX mosey’d to hill for next exercise. 5 min plank holds, if rest was required, PAX ran up and over hill to resume planks on the other side. Apparently some felt it unnecessary to engage in the prescribed plank position and just ran up and down for 5 mins, it must’ve been his new threads. Others fought till the end, although form was questioned and criticized by certain individuals, again, must’ve had something to-do with being a “cool kid”.

PAX continued to the gym to perform 5 min wall-sits with 3 burpees to be performed during “rest periods”…it came as no surprise that yet another vest-donning PAX felt this was an unacceptable exercise and thus performed burpees for the duration while offering kind words of recommendation on form to the others.

Final round of holds were done back at the rocks, Over head holds for 5 mins. This is where the majority of the “UHHHGGGSSSS…” were vocalized. I think everyone did these, but there was probably someone that chose to do something else, regardless of what they were wearing.

Final exercise was a quick round of PAX’s choice of movements with the Rocks. We had squats, OHP, Big-boys, merkins and probably something else…it was delightful.

COT with minimal announcements and intentions, special thanks for all that is past, present, and future.

No AI were harmed in the making of this beatdown or BB.