Routes to Fitness – from Mayhem
Routes to Fitness – from Mayhem

Routes to Fitness – from Mayhem

PAX:Wapner, El Mundo

53 degF 81% RH 4mph SE

Beautiful conditions for YHC’s Renaissance VQ

I knew I wouldn’t be alone since I picked up Thumbwar on the way… though I did not expect to enjoy a party of 18 total PAX. Let’s go to work.

6:29 and Heisenburg and Fracsac were already starting their MABA burpees. YHC informed them that we had at least a few coming.

Disclaimer at 6:30 provided and to work we went.

Warm: face the bacon for a beautiful sunrise, windmills, grass grabbers, mountain climbers, peter parkers, tie fighters, fie tighters, mayhem merkins (10-count hip slap shoulder tap merkin – exicon worthy)

11s of Motivaters and Burpees

Route 66: big bois broad jumping between trees, Rudy was first (like ND in the beginning of the playoffs)
Mosey to the second trash can and back, some were brave enough to touch it
Route 66: merkins bear crawling between trees, not allowed to stand, Rudy was not first (like Notre Dame at the end of the playoffs)

To the bacon, partner up, bonnie blairs with timer partner making loops and doing burpees, then step ups with timer partner reversing the loops

Traditional Sunday Mornings 3x


RCR, OMM, IOM – just sign up, everyone needs a t-shirt

Prayers for Fracsac’s family, Pai Gow’s family, El Mundo’s family, Colonel Mustard’s friend’s family, an unannounced (today) present PAX’s personal intention, YHC’s unannounced personal intention, all those suffering from mental health issues, all those intentions held deep in our hearts

Happy to have the opportunity to lead. Look forward to more.
Special thanks to the other 17 PAX for sharing their morning with me. I needed it.