Tap a Keg – from Wet Tap
Tap a Keg – from Wet Tap

Tap a Keg – from Wet Tap

QIC:Wet Tap
PAX:Goose Pope SafetyValve WetTap

Tap a Keg

The wind howled and the temperature plummeted. The coldest day of the year was upon us. While others scurried to put the M’s plants under tarp, and one caressed the porcelain throne, 4 brave PAX entered the Stage.
After completing a standard warmarama we moseyed via rich man loop and detoured via the new road by the fancy pool ( this area has yet to be named). Upon reaching this ‘area’ 2 unmistakable silver COUS lay in wait. Long ago YHC knew of Lafayette night clubs as a way of life instead of an exercise. In my 1st freshman year, floating kegs of this liquid bread was the gold standard. Many memories were locked away inside these pieces of history. Today, in the gloom, they would serve a different means.
A brief trivia was dished out. This was kept short and sweet, knowing AB was Q on Tuesday.
How much does a full keg of beer weigh?
Closet without going over wins. 5 burpees for the losers. Empty keg? Same.
Valve took the crown but still burped with the common folk. The platinum doesn’t change a man.
A brief keg ruck had us back to the stage.

The Thang:

4 stations- 20reps each

50# sandbag goblet squats
Keg over shoulder throws
Keg curls
50# sandbag thrusters

After each station the Pax would take a lap.

A-Skips down and back
Bear crawls across the back side.

This was done until the whistle and we managed 10 stations.

Many things were learned.
Goose has a steadfast disdain for thrusters.
Pope can handle anything now.
Valve’s enjoyment of pain is palpable.

COT with prayers from Valve.