Skinny Legs and All – from Sandbar
Skinny Legs and All – from Sandbar

Skinny Legs and All – from Sandbar

PAX:Squeal, Reluctant Yankee, Tinkles, Chowder, Landing strip, Hellfire, Spatchcock, Kiwi, 8ball, Stretcher, Broccoli, Niptuck, Angie's List, Jingle Vader, Tubesteak, Sandbar, WalkinthePark, Slow Play, Couch, Paunch, Willy, Brownbag, SmahtPahk

YHC needs the regular leg day, in my lifelong pursuit of a buckeightyfive.
Quick Disclaimer followed by a slow mosey up to the clubhouse, around the parking lot, over to the bandstand to scare the ducks, and then up and over the stand. Many pax modified the up and over.

Warm up with SSH IC, Grass Grabbers and Windmills.
Mosey to the benches in the shelter. Then we did several sets, each followed by a mosey through the parking lot.
1st Set
-10 Left Leg Shrimp Squat OYO
-10 Right Leg Shrimp Squat OYO
-10 Sissy Squats OYO
-10 Goblet squats IC with butt to bench.
Run down to the parking circle and then run backwards.

2nd Set
-10 Bulgarian Splits Left Leg IC
-10 Bulgarians Right Leg IC
-20 Jump squats OYO
-15 calf raises, each leg IC
Run to the clubhouse, run backwards through the lot and back to the shelter.

3rd Super Set
-10 RL Lunges IC
-10 LL Lunges IC
-10 RL side lunges
-10 LL side lunges
-10 RL back lunges
-10 LL back lunges
Run to the clubhouse, karaoke left down through the middle of the lot, karaoke right on the far side, then backwards through the middle to the clubhouse.

4th Set
-10 Left Leg Glute bridges IC
-10 Right Leg Glute bridges IC
20 monkey humpers OYO
Then pair up for reverse flutter kicks on the bench. One pax swims with the legs extended off the bench and the other PAX does 50 LBCs. flapjack.
10 quad hip extensions left and right leg IC.
Run to the clubhouse, karaoke left down through the middle of the lot, karaoke right on the far side, then backwards through the middle to the clubhouse.

5th Set
-10 RL steps ups, 10 LL Step ups, 10 RL power ups, 10 LL power ups, Adding a hop to the top of each IC exercise. Then Angie’s List took us out with LBCs

Back to the flag. Count-off, Name-o-rama, Announcements and Intentions. My sons (13 and 15) enjoy participating in F3 from time to time and I thank God for all of the pax that set such a fine examples for my sons of how to be a man in the world – for their families, in various careers, and as leaders in their communities.