The Leading Ladies of KenarieRidge – from Charmin
The Leading Ladies of KenarieRidge – from Charmin

The Leading Ladies of KenarieRidge – from Charmin

PAX:Bolt, Charmin, Chips, Kenna Brah, Rev Sox


Slow-vagodas x 10
Grass Grabbers x 10
Hill billies x 10
Good Mornings x 10

Forward x 10
Backwards x 10
T-clap x 10
Seal Claps x 10
Chinooks x 15

It was at this point that Kennah Brah came in hot.

Kim Jong Uns x 10
Harry Rockettes x 10

The thang:

Staying at the workout pad, pax are challenged on their knowledge of the leading ladies of Kenarieridge

They are:
Thalia, muse of comedy
Melpomene, muse of tragedy
Terpsicore, muse of dance
Euterpe, muse of music

If a pax didn’t know the name of a muse, no repeats, then they would have to run to JPAX while the rest of us did Merkins, Frog Merkins, Hangs, Plank Jax, Low Slow Squats, & MNC’s. If a pax did know the name, then all pax would do the exercise for 2 minutes.

We did set a world record of MNC’s for a total of, you guessed it, 89 MNC’s.

For the second round, the Pax would have to list what each muse was the muse of, to test how well they paid attention during the first round. Same exercises as the first round.

6 Minutes of Mary

Freddy Mercuries x 20
Flutter kicks x 20

Bolt then lead Protractor Penguins x 20


COT. It was a pleasure leading this last workout before my third child was born and I hope I imparted on the PAX to begin to notice the small things everyday around them.