– from America’s Best
– from America’s Best

– from America’s Best

QIC:America’s Best
PAX:Yankee Jeaux, White Meat, Wet Tap, Safety Valve, Popeye, Pope, Lil Cuz, Honeysuckle, Doubtfire, Americas Best

A few weeks ago, YHC and a couple of other HIMs were discussing why a certain HIM (who shall remain unnamed) has not yet taken a Q. The answer from him the HIM: the bar is too damn high! YHC granted that things were out of hand. It was time to, in the words of Romanian-German new-age worldbeat musical project Enigma, return to innocence.

But first: Warmarama

SSH, windmills, Imperial Walkers, WMH, Toy Soldiers, Tie Fighters, Cherry Pickers, High Knees, Butt Kicks, Lafayette Night Clubs.

Bumper mosey to pick up coupons and return for:

Tha Thang. Just a Musical Dora.

Partnered up, then during each song, one partner knocks out the exercise, while the other uses assigned MOT to the far sidewalk, then moseys back. Flapjack, continue. Race to get 200 reps per exercise before the song ends.

The Songs, the Exercises, the MOT:

1: First, Merkins, Crab Walk

2. Seconds, V-Ups, Run a lap

3: 3rd Stone from the Sun, Curls, Bear Crawl

4. Positively 4th Street, Tyson Merkins, Lap

5: A Fifth of Beethoven, American Hammers, Dragon Walk

6: 6th Avenue Heartache, BBS, Lunge Walk

7: Seventh Son, Wheezy Jeffersons, Crawl Bear

8: Henry the VII, Burpees, Sprint

It was basically impossible to get to 200 on any of these, but I felt we needed an unobtainable goal. Threw that one long Hendrix song in there just to give a glimmer of hope, and to fulfill the prophecy of “that Charlottesville hipster hookah lounge” music.

Final Thang: Identify the songs from the beatdown. Popeye and Honeysuckle, as usual, took care of the more obscure songs. White Meat ID’d 7th Son, and Yankee Jeaux ID’d Henry VII… man those geezers know their music. (Popeye had been figuring out “Positively 4th Street” for about 2 rounds, but upon returning from his Dragon Walk he had figured it out. The man has the heart of a warrior, and the mind of a Spotify).

3rd Stone from the Sun was the only song not identified by the PAX, so we only had to do one burpee. It was fairly obvious at this point that the songs all included ordinal numbers.

Then just 2 minutes of Mary to get us to that sweet Sugar Mill Whistle.


FNG became Doubtfire.

Animal from Honeysuckle to Lil Cuz.

Blue Tube from Wet Tap to Honeysuckle.

Wet Tap prayed us out.