With Thanksgiving on my mind, I wanted to make sure that the NOLA Pax knew how thankful I was to Q the Mothership. My watch shows 6:30 am and I launch into my necessary disclaimer and go over the 5 core principles of F3. From there we head to the Peristyle for the low slow warm ups with the form police out in full force.
10 Squats, 10 Merkins, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Shoulder Taps, 10 Tie Fighters (forward and backward) with 15 Burpees. Everything was in a slow cadence and the form police had to issue citations for not getting past 90 degrees on the squats. Not being in a plank position for the Peter Parkers and Shoulder Taps (Saw too much A Frame going on) and not getting the chest to the ground on the Merkins and Burpees.
I inform the PAX of my desire to go around the great lawn on the pavers by performing the Gorilla, Bear Crawl and Crawl Bear. Specifically, we start on the pavers in front of the small monument and we are always facing north. We proceed to Monkey to the right all the way to the covered structure. From there, we bear crawl north to the covered structure. Once we reach that location, we Monkey to the left to the covered structure then Crawl Bear south to the covered structure. Once we reach the last covered structure, we Monkey to the right to where we started. That routine took about 20-25 minutes.
We cross the street to the use the benches in front of the Peristyle for 10 low slow Bulgarian Split Squats (each leg), 10 low slow dips and some reverse plank time with our feet on the benches and shoulders making contact with the ground.
With time running short I lead the Pax in the JackAss Webb routine which is a one burpee / 2 donkey kick exercise. We do 5 burpees IC /10 DK, 7 burpees IC /14 DK and 10 burpees IC / 20 DK.
Finish up the last 10 minutes with stretching.
Had the countoff, namerama and shared the importance of being grateful not just thankful. Being thankful was more of a thought or feeling while being grateful compels us to action. Specifically, gratitude is incomplete if there is no expression of your gratefulness. So, this Thanksgiving season, show your gratitude by expressing it in a concrete way. Maybe, sign up to Q a workout to express your gratitude for F3 and what it has done in and through your life.