5 Red pills 💊 this Gloom for 0600. Hammer was early with Jose 10k so 6 total. Nothing much this morning but a short warmup of 15IC Arm circles, Toe Touches, Good Mornings, Selflove and SSH.
Moseyed to the garage for a Dora
P1 Carolina dry docks, squats and Flutter kicks P2 back pedaling half and turn to sprint the remainder.
Moseyed to back of courthouse for 11s box jumps or step ups, bear crawl steps Merkins at the top.
Returned to AO for 4 core exercises 15IC Little Manny crunches, dying cockroach, penguins and 15 OYO leg raises..
Prayed for safety with Helene approaching Florida and intentions for Fletches son in Orlando..
Until the next Gloom 👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼!!!