Burpee, a History Volume 2: To Burpfinity and Beyond – from Paradox
Burpee, a History Volume 2: To Burpfinity and Beyond – from Paradox

Burpee, a History Volume 2: To Burpfinity and Beyond – from Paradox

PAX:Lil Cuz, White Meat, Goose, Pope, Honeysuckle, Enron , AB, Valve

YHC has always loved a good origin story.
Forged in radioactive slime or some gamma rays gone wrong? Sign me up. But there’s also a lot of really interesting beauty to be discovered in the story behind the routine and mundane we take for granted. Microwaves , penicillin, Velcro, HoneySuckles 2003 Garmin watch.
All have unique backgrounds and lessons to learn. So YHC wanted to reach back into the F3 history lessons and attempt to give the pax some appreciation for our old friend …the burpee.

3 objectives today for 8 pax at the Lions Dirt Patch.

Objective 1:
A safety PSA for the burpee.

One of YHCs annual duties as assistant to the regional manager of beatdown safety is a yearly PSA on burpee form. Especially pertinent during IPC.

See works cited volume 1:

Burpee: A History – from Paradox

Okay, for the Yankee Jeauxs out there just sit back down and sip your Ensure …I know you smell the hypocrisy here that the leader in poor form can’t lead a beatdown about proper form but hey F3 is all about improvement ok.

Objective 2.)
Honor Mr Burpee and share his story.

Objective 3.)
Explore the millions of burpee variations and honor other accidental inventions and origin mishaps along the way .
We want to be safe but we also want to push the boundaries of our physical limits so that maybe one day our children can say “oh the kraken burpee, my dad used to do those while his friends talked about omelette PTSD”

Duke !
Get the footage and Crank the fan servicing.
It’s a franchise remake !

Started with the Valve Challenge : SSH until he shows up. Today we made it till about 45. Must have been a slow call night. Plan was to go till 100 or till Lil cuz asked for Goose to distract us with LOTR voices,

Indian Run w Dropoff for 3 Bobby Hurley with a nod to National pirate day and well I really don’t need an excuse to blare sea shanties.(one of the few musical masterpieces Goose and YHC agree on)
AB took this time to invent the portmanteau “pirish” and spent the remaining beatdown trying to make it happen and securing ground floor investors.

Thang 1
First , the safety.

Royal Huddleston Burpee was born in 1897 in NY. He joined the Navy during the beginning of World War 1 and while aboard a navy ship for several months developed a knack for creating challenging body weight exercises one could accomplish in small spaces.
He loved efficiency , good form and pushing his body to its limits.

To fully commemorate Royals Naval service we enjoyed
“Drunken Sailor”
With plank and merks on “Way Up “and “drunken sailor”

We were left with a warm feeling in our chest and many non OSHA approved options on how to handle a drunken sailor.

After his service Mr Burpee became Dr Burpee by attaining his PhD in exercise physiology at Columbia University. His particular field of focus was utilizing simple body movements in a sequence to help the military improve its physical fitness screening.

So we deconstructed his original fitness test in 7s to help bring home the safe execution of the standard burp.

7 hand to ground Squats
14 Groiners
21 Merk
28 squat jumps

With the safety and the history covered we segued into the future of the burpee and its millions of variations with “Peaches” by the Goosey Burpapalooza headliners : Presidents of the US of A.

*YHC took this intermission to unveil Blue Tube 2.0, the newly modified wearable to make that special conversation with your M a little less awkward.

Final Thang

So despite beginning as a simple fitness test, the burpee was now a universally known, highly efficient, highly effective way to improve your cardio and with that super stardom came many variations.
We would scratch the surface of a few F3 favorites while honoring other non intentional invention’s.

Burp Trivia
Correct 4 Reps
Incorrect 8 reps

1.) double merkins burpee

1930 – Ruth Wakefield ran out of bakers chocalate and needed to use Nestle chips for her guests in her Inn, thereby inventing chocolate chip cookies .
What was the name of the inn?


2.) late 19th century two brothers preparing food for a health spa accidentally left dough out , after its fermentation they sent it through rollers creating large crispy flakes .
What are the brothers last name?

Double Jump Burpee

3.) 1943 attending to create a rubber substitute, General Electric engineer James Wright dropped boric acid into silicone oil. What did he create?
(Silly putty)


4.) 3M scientist Art Fry
, frustrated by loose papers in his hymnals at choir practice met white other chemist ti produce what product.

(Post it notes)

Kraken Burpee

5.) created to fill a need for cleaning soot from wallpaper this colored combination of salt, flour and water became what?
(Play Doh)


– Switching it up mid burpees and calling Honeysuckle “honey” felt like being in elementary school when you called the teacher “mom” on accident and had to talk to your parents about witness protection.
– YHC thought these were atleast mildly difficult trivia and the pax gobbled them up like Kobyashi at the Nathan’s. Studs.
– Several questions were answered almost in unison with Goose and White Meat sprinkling in early confidence. AB waiting in the bullpen like Rivera in the 9th but we never even had to call for the sandman to enter. Oh well , not everyone appreciates Nirvana.

A few min left at the flag and as always any Burpee history lesson ends with a good tub thumping with Ole Danny Boy !!! We got knocked down , got back up and all were better for it.

Honeysuckle bequeathed TFW to White Meat for his consistent meatiness this week.

YHC awarded Blue Tube to Lil Cuz for his timely cardiovascular queries.

-Sign up for the BK500 – September 28th
-Culture Fest 5k – Oct 5
-Prayers, support for Valve 2.0
-Barney Fife surgery

Uncle Ronnie Prayed us out

Thanks for your effort men
It’s a joy to lead ya.

Dox Thumping

We sing the songs that remind us of the good times (Taco Bell and Pizza Hut?)

We sing the songs that remind us of the better times (Sandstorm?)

We drink a whiskey drink
We drink a vodka drink
We eat Jimmy John
We eat a Jersey Mike

At the end of the day, the truth is I thought music mattered .

heck I even thought burpees mattered..

But does it?


Good form or not

We get knocked down
We get back up again



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