I’m Sensing a Trend – from Architect
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I’m Sensing a Trend – from Architect

PAX:Fast Tax, Mr Rodgers, SamBreaux

Standard summer time conditions. Disclaimer and warm-arama.

-Exercise #1 – HSKT/Merkins (IYKYK), jog to rock, 5 thrusters – repeat for 10 mins

-Exercise #2 – PAX rotated through variety of exercises (Burpees, Step-Ups, OHP, Dips, BBSUs, Rows, FKs) using a 10rep Burpee as our clock, rest for 10 secs, alternate exercise and repeat.

Special prayers of Gratitude and Blessings for all!

Light crowd…missing a lot of the regulars lately (but good to see FT back at it)….unsure why…let’s be sure we are reaching out to fellow PAX!