Classic Loop – from Tinkles
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Classic Loop – from Tinkles

PAX:Angie’s List, Chowdah, Douille, Jingle Vader, Kiwi, Landing Strip, Meatball, Moana, Reluctant Yankee, Sandbar, Tinkles, Vandelay, Vidal, Whopper, Windbreaker, Skeeter

Thanks to Manchovy for getting me on the Q schedule. Great way to start the week. Park was expectedly soggy but didn’t deter!

Warm up:

SSH x 30, Grass grabbers x 20, Windmills x 20, Imperial Walkers x 20


Lap around the park. Indian run to bridge with break for ring of fire with Al Gore hold and burpees x 3 in rotation. Finished with shoulder taps.

Indian run to the fountain for decline Merkins x 20, R leg power up x 20, Dips x 20, L leg power up, Bulgarian split lunge each leg x 20, incline merkin x 20.

Jog/sprint to the grassy knoll for ab work (Russian twists, tin snips, penguins, LBTs x 20)

Indian run to pull up bars with circuits of pull ups, plank, jump squats, big boy sit ups.

Strong finish work burpees x 5 on each of the next 5 ‘running man’ graphics.

COT. Blessed to be out making ourselves better! And prayers for no more tropical weather!