I Like the Older Boys😳 – from Bushwacker
I Like the Older Boys😳 – from Bushwacker

I Like the Older Boys😳 – from Bushwacker

PAX:Bean, Bushwacker, Jose10k, Steve, Tanked Up, The Duke of Hazzard, Parrot, Will I am

Imagine the reaction when those words came out of Tank’s mouth as we were gathered for rehydrating and caffeinating at Abita Roasting! Of course, he was reminiscing about his childhood, inspired by the chemistry of Duke and Will I am (having a 2 year age difference). That’s right, the 2.0s are taking over the Au Lait! In training for the Turkey Trot, and inspired/excited by tales of Will I am’s consistent participation, Duke chose to attend his 1st Au Lait and persevere through his 1st 4 miler. With support from the whole PAX, he started in earnest, the energized 8 year old leading the way. At the 2 mile mark, QIC and qicJr turned back, while the rest surged onwards to push through the rest of the current route. Meanwhile, Jose, who has always run the the beat of his own drummer, had fallen back to take his own abbreviated track. From out of nowhere, he swooshed up from behind a struggling short-round, to encourage him with his stoic presence, ubiquitous soundtracks and teacherly words of wisdom. The three intrepid adventurers carried on to the end with every ounce of vigor a breakfast bribe could muster. Within scant minutes, the rest of the men appeared from around the corner, having traded Steve for Will I am! Of course, OCD Steve was just rounding out his Garmin-tracked mileage to 5.0. Beau and William played cornhole and breakfasted while the titular phrase passed from Tank’s lips like an uncurated comment caught on a hot mic….
All this to say, a great group of men enjoyed more great mumble chatter on another great run marking another great Au Lait!

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