Return of the Forty – from Rudy
Return of the Forty – from Rudy

Return of the Forty – from Rudy


Been a long while since I’ve been to Okwata, let alone Q’d it. Thanks to Pinewood, the AO is enjoying a resurgence in popularity – nice work! The time was right to (re-)introduce the PAX to the 40 (originally inspired by “40” by U2). I did publish ahead of time, so the pansy lakeview group that was worried about wet shoes would have the opportunity to stay home. Not my fault that Jesus Juice didn’t read slack.

Forgot the disclaimer, then off to the top of the levee for a quick warmup, giving Hawg a few extra minutes to show up.

The Thang: The 40

10 exercises. Each one is 4 sets, alternating side of the levee. Each set is 10 reps.

40 trips over the levee. 40 reps of each exercise. 40 total sets. You get the idea.

* Merkins
* Squats
* Carolina Dry Docks
* Dr. W
* Lunges
* Floyd Mayweather
* American Hammer
* Monkey Humpers
* Burpees

Back to the flag a few mins late for COT

Random Thoughts:

Great to see 15 Pax in the gloom!!

Dr. W: took a few tries to get the cadence right. Definitely a crowd favorite!

Monkey Humpers followed by a run over the levee. Quads feel that.

High Rise is amazing. 45 minutes of continuous talk about work with Ya Mom And ‘Dem. YMAD didn’t say a word. Just let High Rise keep talking.

Pinewood correctly predicted the grand finale – Burpees! And he’d never done this before.

Taco (or Tacos, or Taci?) — great to have a 2.0 in the gloom with us!

Thank you, Kuch, for not letting The Juice know what was in store until it was too late for him to back out.

Music selection was heavily, and I mean HEAVILY, critiqued. But who knew there were so many “40” songs.

Notable in their absence were Triple Shift and Snooze.