Spartan Pre Gipper Workout – from Jose10k
Spartan Pre Gipper Workout – from Jose10k

Spartan Pre Gipper Workout – from Jose10k

PAX:Jose10k, The Hammer

Holy smokes, a cold front came through? It was in the 60s to start this beatdown. I was excited to post this morning because YHC received a text late the night before informing him that he wasn’t going solo this morning. The Hammer decided to join him in his efforts to get into better spartan shape. Grabbed the ladder workout from the back seat and off to the races. Back to school again, 1st grade, run a loop, Next, complete 1st grade and then 2nd grade, run the short loop, returning to the start. The PAX would try to graduate and get through the 12th grade!
1st Grade – Squats
2nd Grade – Monkey Humpers
3rd Grade – Lunges (2 is one)
4th Grade – BBS
5th Grade – Flutter Kicks
6th Grade – LBCs
7th Grade – American Hammers
8th Grade – Merkins
9th Grade – Freak Nasties
10th Grade – Carolina Dry Docks
11th Grade – Burpees
12th grade -SSH
We added a coupon to make it more difficult. We only graduated 9th grade y’all.