Cool beatdown on a almost cool morning  – from Mobydick
Cool beatdown on a almost cool morning – from Mobydick

Cool beatdown on a almost cool morning – from Mobydick

PAX:Barely Legal, BBQ, Darkwing Duck, Mobydick, Shooter, The Hammer

The Gipper opened with a cool breeze for a change. A six man pax was on hand for guided Tabata of seven exercises and three rounds. Jose 10K and Hammer were early birds. A brief period of stretches got us started.
YHC being the old grazer didn’t want to deprive the younger crowd of a full beat down dialed up a 1 min wo 30 sec rest Tabata of CFrogs/Squats/Crunches/SSH/Merkins/Toe touches/1min Run. Note the getting up and down between exercise by design to add another element. On your own pace guaranteed everyone got a full measure of what they needed including me.

From the breathing and srainibg in the 3rd round mission accomplished.
COT and prayers of gratitude for or inner strengths closed out the morning.