Friday dealing the cards!  – from BBQ
FFrriiddaayy ddeeaalliinngg tthhee ccaarrddss!!   ffrroomm BBBBQQ

Friday dealing the cards! – from BBQ

PAX:BBQ, Einstein, Jose10k, Mobydick

Another hot and muggy morning in the Gloom but nothing could slow or stop this mighty foursome. We did the usual warm ups and of course I botched the cadence on a few. Einstein is my hero on warmups and I did not get to his standard of excellence this morning. I was eager to move into the Thang and get the cards flipping. Each suit represented a different exercise. Spades were T Merkins. Clubs were Star Jacks. Diamonds were Gas Pumps. Hearts were Freddie Mercury’s. Reps were set by card number. 2 thru 14 ( Aces! ). There was some concern about the shuffle and mumble chatter on some streaks of the same suit. Red suits came early and black suits later. The joker play was called by Jose 10K and a lap down and up in the A1C. On the second joker a new move was introduced. It was alternating front arm swings for 60 seconds. It was named “BBQ Wings”! We got thru the deck and finished with some stretching. Moby prayed us out. He challenged us to push and grow each other and those around us. It was an honor to be in this PAX!