Slam Ball Space Invaders – from Squints
Slam Ball Space Invaders – from Squints

Slam Ball Space Invaders – from Squints

PAX:Bongo, Cheese Steak, Chips, Hawgcycle, High Rise, Mayhem, Pinewood, Pothole, Saban, Squints

Mosey on over to the Mardi Gras Fountain.
• SSH x 20
• Grass Grabbers x 10
• Abe Vigodas x 10
• High Knees Across the Lot
• Arm Circles Forward x 10
• Arm Circles Reverse x 10
• Seal Claps x 10
• Overhead Claps x 10
• Side Steps Across the Lot
• Mountain Climbers x 10
• Shoulder Taps x 10

Thang #1: A Game of Space Invaders with the Slam Ball
In front of the Mardi Gras Fountain, the invaders lined up in formation, ready to battle the space debris with their trusty 50lbs slam balls. The game kicked off with a stellar challenge—2 reps per maneuver for Round 1:
• 2 WW3 Situps (rest of the PAX doing big boy situps)
• 2 Overhead Slam Ball Squats (rest of the PAX doing squats)
• 2 Slam Ball Burpees (rest of the PAX doing burpees)
• 2 Slam Ball American Hammers (rest of the PAX doing American Hammers)
• 2 Slam Ball Lunges (rest of the PAX doing lunges)
As the clock ticked down, Round 2 initiated, intensifying with a rep count of 4 for the same exercises.
Since no one was eliminated from the game this week, we’ll continue the challenge next time with Round 5, ramping up to a rep count of 10.

Thang #2: Slam Ball Tosses Around the Fountain
In this exercise, the timer was set for one PAX member to toss the slam ball around the fountain for ¼ of the distance and sprint the remaining ¾.
The exercises for the rest of the PAX included:
• Incline Merkins
• Resting Chair with Shoulder Press
• Y’s
• Rotator Cuff Side Planks

Mosey back to the flag for the COT. Thank you to all for coming out this morning in the gloom!